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Despite its name, midi2json doesn't actually produce JSON files. Instead, it converts quantized MIDI files into text files containing Piano Tiles 2 song notations. The notations can then be used to create custom levels in the game.

This guide will walk you through the process of using midi2json, from setting up the development environment to converting your MIDI files.

Environment Setup (Windows)


You can try using this tool directly in your web browser!

Click here to open in a new tab.

Download and Install MSYS2

  • Visit the MSYS2 website:
  • Download the 64-bit installer (.exe) for your Windows version.
  • Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions. Choose a default installation path (like C:\msys64) for simplicity.

Update MSYS2 Packages

  • Open a new MSYS2 terminal (search for "MSYS2 MSYS" in the Start menu).
  • Update the package database:
pacman -Syu

Install C++ Development Tools and Git

Install the essential C++ development tools and Git using the pacman package manager:

pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain git

Getting the Source Code

Use the git clone command to download the source code:

git clone

Compiling the Program

Navigate to the downloaded source code directory using the cd command:

cd midi2json

Run the following command to compile the source code into an executable:

g++ src/*.cpp src/midi/*.cpp -std=c++11 -o midi2json

This will create the midi2json executable in the current directory.

Using the Program

Converting MIDI to PT2 Song Notation

  1. Run the program: You can double-click the executable or open the terminal and navigate to the midi2json directory. Then, run:
  1. Specify MIDI file: The program will prompt you to enter the path to your MIDI file. Enter the path and press Enter.
  2. Optional settings: You will be asked for optional settings:
  • Ignore rests on MIDI track: Choose a track number to ignore rests on, or 0 to disable.
  • MIDI tick for Q: This defines the length of a quarter note in MIDI ticks. The program will suggest a value based on the MIDI file, but you can adjust it if needed.
  • MIDI track for 5<>: This enables double tile notation using the specified track and tick value. Enter 0 to disable.
  1. Conversion: The program will convert the MIDI file and create a text file with the PT2 song notation. The text file will have the same name as the MIDI file, but with the .txt extension.


midi2json and the underlying MIDI library might display warnings and errors during conversion. Here's a table explaining some common messages:

Wrong track number value.The MIDI file has no tracks.Make sure your MIDI file is valid and contains at least one track.
Wrong note range.The MIDI file contains notes outside the valid range.Edit the MIDI file to ensure all notes are within the supported range.
Wrong length value.The program encountered an unexpected note length value.Make sure your MIDI file is quantized.
Fatal error with 5<>!There's a problem with the double tile notation.Ensure the specified track and tick values are correct.
5<> not closed!The double tile notation is not properly closed in the song file.Review the generated song file and ensure proper closing of the double tile notation. (e.g. 5<a[M],(insert-new-notes-here)[M]>,)
Duplicated note removed: ...The MIDI file contains duplicate notes at the same time.The program will remove duplicates and issue a warning. You can review the generated song file and adjust if needed.

Released under the MIT License.