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Files Overview

This document provides an overview of the file structure within the Piano Tiles 2 APK.

By understanding the overall structure of the Piano Tiles 2 APK files, you can gain a deeper understanding of how the game is organized and how its various components work together.

Top-level Files

At the top level of the APK, you will find the following files:

  • AndroidManifest.xml: This file contains essential information about the app, such as its name, permissions, and components.
  • This file stores build-related properties.
  • classes.dex: This file contains the compiled Java code for the app.
  • resources.arsc: This file contains compiled resources, such as strings and images.

assets Folder

The assets folder holds various assets used by the game, including:

  • Images: This includes logos, icons, and other images used throughout the game.
  • Fonts: This includes font files used for displaying text in the game.
  • gdt_plugin: This folder likely contains plugins related to advertising or analytics.
  • res: This folder contains additional resources, such as configuration files and music data.

res Folder

The res folder within the assets folder holds specific resources, including:

  • Futura condensed.ttf: A font file used in the game.
  • Animation: This folder contains animation files used in the game.
  • Audio: This folder contains sound effects and music used in the game.
  • DB: This folder contains various CSV files that define game data, such as levels, rewards, and music information.
  • gameImage: This folder contains images used in the gameplay, such as tiles and effects.
  • music: This folder contains the actual music files used in the game, including separate folders for bass, piano, and drum tracks.
  • song: This folder contains JSON files that define the individual songs and levels in the game.
  • UI: This folder contains various user interface elements and assets, including subfolders for different game sections and features.

Other Files

The remaining files and folders likely contain additional resources and configurations needed for the game to function properly.


Please note that this is a general overview, and the specific contents and organization of files may vary depending on the version of the APK you are examining.

Released under the MIT License.