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Apktool is a handy tool for reverse engineering Android applications. Here's a quick guide on how to use it:


  • Java: Apktool requires Java to run. Make sure you have Java installed on your system. You can check by opening a command prompt and typing java -version. If you don't have it, you can download it from the official Java website

Installing Apktool

There are two ways to install Apktool:

  1. Pre-built binary: Download the latest Apktool release from the official website This will provide a pre-built binary file that you can directly use.

  2. Build from source: If you're comfortable compiling from source, you can clone the Apktool repository from GitHub and build it yourself. Instructions are available on the Apktool website.

Basic Usage

Apktool has two main functions: decompiling and recompiling APK files.

  • Decompiling: This extracts the contents of an APK file into a readable format, allowing you to see the application's resources (layouts, images, strings), code (smali), and manifest file.
apktool d "<apk_file>" "<output_directory>"

Replace <apk_file> with the path to your APK file and <output_directory> with the directory where you want the decompiled files to be saved.

  • Recompiling: This takes the decompiled files (usually modified) and rebuilds them into a working APK file.
apktool b "<source_directory>" "<output_apk>"

Replace <source_directory> with the directory containing the decompiled files and <output_apk> with the desired name for the rebuilt APK file.

Additional Resources


Modifying and recompiling APKs can be risky. Understand the potential consequences before making changes. Use Apktool responsibly for ethical hacking and app development purposes.

Released under the MIT License.